In the Arts Council’s
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, we commit to collecting more information
about artists that apply for and receive funding, and reporting on this data on an annual basis. We do this to provide a clear picture of gaps we are not addressing and to inform new actions to address those gaps
On 22 August 2023 we published a report covering data collected during the 2022 calendar year. This report provides details of all those who applied for and received funding across our individual awards. It also looks at applicants to specialist schemes
operated on our behalf by third parties: the Artist in the Community Scheme managed by Create and Arts & Disability Connect managed by Arts & Disability Ireland. To understand the relative demographic representativeness of applicants and recipients, each of the report metrics are compared (where possible) to the population of Ireland Census 2022.
Download the full report here: Equality Data and Arts Council Awards 2022
The following differences are most pronounced:
Gender: There is a higher proportion of both applicants and recipients who identify as
female compared to the general population. On average individuals who identify as non-binary apply for and are granted the highest award value.
Disability: Individuals who identify as having a disability are under-represented amongst
applicants and recipients compared to the general population. On average, individuals
who answered ‘Yes’ to having a disability apply for and are granted the lowest award
Ethnicity: The majority of applicants and recipients identified as White Irish, which is in line
with the census 2022 data. The success rate for awards is also highest among applicants
from White or White Irish backgrounds. The rate of application and award is lowest among
individuals who identify as Other or Mixed, Asian or Asian Irish, Black or Black Irish, or
belonging to the Traveller Community.
Geography: Dublin was significantly over-represented in terms of proportion of applicants and recipients compared to the population. Cork, Galway, Wicklow, Clare and Sligo were also slightly over-represented in applications.
Previous reports
In March 2021, we published our first annual report on gender, disability and ethnicity across our funding awards for individuals.
The following reports cover data collected during the 2020 and 2021 calendar years: