The Arts Council’s Equality, Human Rights and Diversity (EHRD) Policy and Strategy sets out our
commitment to taking actions to actively deepen our understanding of inequalities in the arts and develop substantive ways to address them. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Toolkit gathers examples of good practice in order to support arts
organisations on the journey to promoting EDI. This requires all of us to play a role in making change happen.
This toolkit is intended to support organisations in implementing positive policy measures to promote equality of opportunity,
access and outcomes for everyone living in Ireland regardless of their age, civil or family status, disability, gender, membership of the Traveller community, race, religion or sexual orientation. These are the nine protected characteristics under
the Equal Status Acts 2000–2018, and the Arts Council furthermore notes the ground of socio-economic background as a further basis for which equality of opportunity, access and outcomes must be guaranteed.
This toolkit has been produced
to support arts organisations to prepare and produce their Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Action Plans, and it is intended to help organisations to embed EDI as values that underpin their actions.
Download the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit