Attendees taking part in Create Networking Day (2023), which took as its theme “Collaborating on Climate Justice.” Photo: Brian Cregan.Supporting Artists in Arts Participation
Under the Arts Council's strategy to increase public engagement and participation with the arts, a number of specific schemes and initiatives were developed for those working specifically in the area of arts participation. One of these opportunities is
the Arts in the Community scheme.
The Artist in the Community Scheme (AIC)
This scheme offers funding for artists and community groups of place/or interest to work together on arts projects.
The scheme is open to artists from any of the following artform disciplines: architecture, circus, street art and spectacle, dance, film, literature (Irish and English language), music, opera, theatre, visual arts and traditional arts.
Projects can take place across a diverse range of social and community contexts such as arts and disability, arts and health; arts and older people; arts and cultural diversity and arts and communities. Projects have taken place in a variety of locations
such as community centres, hospitals, care settings, prisons, parks or public spaces.
The main goal of the scheme is to encourage meaningful collaboration between communities of place and/or interest and artists. This means both the artists and the community members have a say in what the project will be about and what the final artwork
will look like.
Check out previous recipients of the Arts in the Community Scheme here.
Tales My Granny Told Me on display at Athlone Library
This scheme is managed by Create the national development agency for collaborative arts in social and community contexts on behalf of the Arts Council.
Opportunities available:
- Research and Development Award without mentoring
- Research and Development Award with Mentoring
- Recent Graduate Research and Development Award with Mentoring
- Project Realisation Award
- Catalyst Residency Award
- Mentoring Award
- Bursary Award
Further information, guidelines, application form and support are detailed on Create’s website.