Dr. Gary
Granville is Emeritus Professor of Education
and former Interim Director of the National College of Art and Design (NCAD),
Dublin. He was previously Assistant Chief Executive of the National Council for
Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) in Ireland. In that capacity, he oversaw the
design and introduction of national programmes, including the Leaving
Certificate Applied, the Junior Cycle Schools Programme and initiatives in
citizenship education, in enterprise education and in the arts.
In recent
years he has chaired the NCCA Development Group for Art at junior cycle and
Leaving Certificate. Gary Granville has extensive experience as a member of
policy advisory groups including Creative Ireland, Higher Education Authority, Teaching Council, NCCA and other national and
international bodies. His publications include books, articles and commissioned
reports on arts education, curriculum and assessment policy, labour history and
global citizenship. Is cainteoir dúchais Ghaeilge é agus oibríonn se tré mheán
na Gaeilge mar is cuí.