Closing date | 17:30, Thursday 27 March 2025 |
Maximum awarded | €335,000 |
Artform and practice(s) | Arts Centres, Local Place and Public Art |
Applicant type | Group, Organisation, Local authority, , |
Collaborative application possible? | Yes |
Contact | Eimear Kelleher |
Telephone | (087) 9132852 |
Email | |
The Arts Council’s
objective for its Creative Places programme is to invest in places (e.g. towns,
villages, suburbs, rural places) that have had fewer opportunities to take part
in the arts.
Creative Places
should be inclusive and diverse, and their programmes rooted in socially
engaged arts practice and community-development principles. Successful
applicants will build on existing cultural strengths and be led by community
participation and ideas. In particular, they will look to involve people who
are often excluded.
This year the award has three strands and new applicants to the Creative Places programme for multi-annual funding must have completed the research-and-development award in this round of funding or in previous rounds of funding.
Strand 1: Creative Places Seed Award is open to new applicants, such as local-authority arts offices, including Ealaín na Gaeltachta, arts organisations and community-development organisations (e.g. family-resource centres, agencies or organisations supporting specific groups). Applicants will have to have completed the research-and-development award to apply.
Strand 2 and Strand 3 are open only to existing Creative Places Award recipients who have already
been awarded three-year funding in the Creative Places programme.
The award has three
Strand 1: Creative Places Seed Award
This award will be multi-annual and awarded over three
years (2025, 2025 and 2027). Strand 1 is open to Creative Places who have
completed their Research and Development phase. The award covers the appointment of a Creative Places coordinator
and a programme budget. The maximum you can apply for is €335,000 over three
years (€85,000, €125,000, €125,000). In 2025 it is anticipated that up to two
awards will be made. Those places
entering Year 3 (i.e. Creative Places awarded in 2023) will not have to make an
application in 2025 in order to drawdown funding.
Strand 2:
Creative Places Roots Award Phase 2
This strand is
only open to applicants who have completed their Creative Places three-year
award and are now entering into the next phase of their development. This award will
be for up to two years, and applicants need to demonstrate their stakeholder
engagement and programming plans for 2025 and 2026. The maximum you
can apply for is between €70,000 and €90,000 per year (i.e a total of €140,000
- €180,000).
3: Creative Places Growth Award Phase 2
This strand is only open to applicants who have completed
year one of their Phase 2 programme. This award will be for up to two years, and applicants
need to demonstrate their stakeholder engagement and programming plans for 2025
and 2026. The maximum you can apply for is between €70,000 and
€90,000 per year (i.e. a total request of €140,000 - €180,000).
For any other
enquiries, please email
How do I apply for this?
- Download and read the guidelines available at the top right-hand corner of this page.
- Check if there is any mandatory supporting material that must accompany your application. We may provide a template for the supporting material. If so, you can download it from the supporting materials section at the top right-hand corner of this page.
- All applications must be made through the online services website. You will be able to upload a wide range of support materials in electronic format along with your application form.
- You must be registered with the online services website to make an application. If you are not already registered, we recommend you register for online services as far in advance of the deadline as possible, as it may take five days for your online services registration to be processed.
Still need help?
A listing of frequently asked questions about making an online application
A step-by-step video guide on how to download, complete and upload an application form for funding.
A listing of funding-related tweets