Linda Fearon, In Place, a Croí Glan Integrated Dance Production. Premiere at IMMA - Irish Museum of Modern Art, 2021 (Photo © Luca Truffarelli)
The strategic context for the Arts Council’s support of dance and all other artforms and areas of arts practice is set out in Making Great Art Work: Arts Council Strategy (2016 –2025 (PDF,
3.29 MB). It describes how we will lead the development of the arts in Ireland over the next decade. Our strategy has five priority areas: the artist; public engagement; investment strategy; spatial and demographic planning; and developing capacity.
Current dance policy is aligned to the key objectives and desired outcomes of Making Great Art Work and can be viewed here: Advancing Dance 2022-2025
Supports dance across a number of genres
Dance is an integral component of the Irish cultural landscape. In addition to a broad base of talented professional artists, the dance sector also promotes participative dance practice. A growing number of people of all ages and social status attend
dance activities across the country, from urban centres to rural communities, making dance one of the most widely practised artforms in Ireland.
The Arts Council supports dance across a number of genres through grant programmes and awards, and invests in future developments through special initiatives devised in partnership with others.
Promoting a diverse and sustainable dance practice, building on the positive elements of the existing infrastructure, is a strategic priority of the Arts Council. To achieve this, we will continue strengthening the infrastructural supports and resources available to individual artists and organisations. We will also encourage a more balanced geographical distribution of dance activities and support across Ireland.