The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon is developing a new policy in the area of Arts Participation
The Arts Council understands the area of Arts Participation to include a broad range of participatory, collaborative, community and socially engaged arts practices.
It has supported work in this area of artistic practice since the 1980's through the provision of funding for individual artists, arts organisations, local authorities, arts centres, festivals and others working in this field; and through a range of research,
development and policy initiatives.
The Arts Participation landscape has evolved and changed significantly in Ireland and internationally since the 1980’s, and while formal Arts Council policies have been developed in related areas (see below) and the Arts Council’s ten year strategy
Making Great Art Work (2016 – 2025) prioritises the area of Public Engagement as
well as The Artist, the Council does not have a policy in the area of Arts Participation specifically.
Through the policy development process, we seek to understand the current range of vision(s) for this field of artistic practice, what the optimum conditions and supports for this work are, and what the Arts Council’s role is, could and should be within
Policy Development Activity
In the coming months the Arts Participation Team will be meeting with artists, arts organisations, partners and others interested in this field and hosting a number of discussion events. Anyone that is interested can also share their views by completing
our Arts Participation Survey (link to be added shortly).
Further information
Further information and updates will be available via the Arts Council website, Newsletter and social media channels or you can contact us directly, details and links below.
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Related Arts Council Policies