Digital content is now an essential element in
reaching audiences and communicating the work that we do in the Arts. For a
small regional arts centre like South Tipperary Arts Centre (STAC) it is vital and became especially
important during the pandemic.
In spring 2021 STAC launched a new and improved
website developed with the help of the Arts Council’s Capacity Building Scheme.
It was important that the website would be digital resource for people and also
act as an archive. Our Virtual Tour uses 360 image capture from an iPhone into
which we can place icons with further information, such as images, audio, or
video. The most recent two tours live on our Digital Content page with all
others accessible via the Archive.
The STAC Arts Podcast has been going since 2019
and is presented and produced by STAC administrator Eimear King. Each episode
links in with aspects of STAC’s programme, offering additional insights and
information for our audiences which can be accessed from the comfort of their
own home.
Both the Virtual Tour and the Podcast also act
as a resource for the artists involved in our programme and represent content
that they can share via their own websites/social media channels and use as
supporting documentation for future opportunities.
Our YouTube Channel is home to all STAC video
content such as Artists Talks, Tutorial videos in animation and craft as well
as other STAC projects.
Tipperary Arts Centre - YouTube

All of this content now lives on our Digital
Content page on our website making it an easily accessible resource for everyone.